Outsources Tax and Accounting Services for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM)

RDN Consulting realize the importance of UMKM role towards the development and economic growth of Indonesia. Based on Kompas newspaper data, UMKM contribution towards Gross Domestic Bruto for the last 5 years (2013-2018) has increased from 57,84% to 60,34%. However, UMKM contribution in global chain supply is still significantly low, compared to other ASEAN countries, only contributes to 0,8%. One of the main reasons, based on world bank research, are limited business opportunities, regulation and bureaucracy, and human resource and UMKM’s institutional capacity in Indonesia.

Some of the regulation to improve the role of UMKM has been initiated, such as the decreasing rate of Income Tax (final) by the President amounting to only 0,5% towards gross revenue of the UMKM (beforehand 1%). Besides that, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) established Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Entitas Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (SAK-EMKM) which are useful for UMKM to prepare their financial statements for accountability purpose, decision making, file for funding and attachment for tax reporting.

With the development of regulation and bureaucracy towards positive way, RDN Consulting is fully committed to help in the training and development of human resource and UMKM institutional capacity in Indonesia.

Some of the specific services RDN Consulting provides for UMKM are as follows:

Prepare UMKM financial statements, comprises of: (a) balance sheet, (b) income statement, and (c) notes to the financial statement, as required by the Financial Accounting Standard for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SAK-EMKM) from 1 January 2018

Help UMKM serve its taxation liabilities, from Income Tax Article 21 (if you have employees), Income Tax Article 23 (for rent transactions), and Income Tax Article 4 (2)/Final (for office/building rent transactions and for the sales amount). For UMKM, the income tax rate is final based on PP 23 Year 2018 amounting to 0.5% from gross sales. RDN Consulting also helps UMKM report and paid their final income tax through Online Pajak application.

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